Symbolic meaning of North Church means "Everything Start From Here".
回覆刪除This is why movie used this historical building as the ending cite. Director simply just want to reflect "終點又回到起點" as a powerful ending of this US historical movie.
Paul Revere's midnight ride, of April 18, 1775, from North Church which preceded the Battles of Lexington and Concord during the American Revolution. Thus, North Church is a symbol as starting place for the country (Lexiington or Concord can also lead to this symbolic meaning)
If you notice about a book "Common Sense" hold by actor in the movie, which is also refer to the "starting concept of US revolution"
CC from Boston
謝謝 CC 的回覆,很傳神的描述,小小的教堂在美國獨立革命可以發生那麼長遠的影響與反思。