科爾波特(1891年6月9日- 1964年10月15日)是作曲與歌劇家,出生於美國富裕家庭,是獨生子,小時候就開始學習音樂,十歲時就有處女作,1913年考上耶魯大學,1916年就創作了《初見美國》百老匯戲劇,但是成績不好。可能是這樣跑去巴黎學習。
在一次大戰期間,科爾波特參加了一個救濟組織,還有謠傳他在軍中還有一個專屬便於攜帶的鋼琴。電影中的 Let's Do It 是他 1928年的創作。
還有一個未經證實的傳說,說明了為何科爾波特的創作那麼多元化。有次他參加一場酒會,閒談之餘,波特說寫不出甚麼好作品,酒會主人就說:『既然你在原來的老路上沒有突破,那就換條路,去寫尤太人吧!』就這樣,科爾波特轉創作許多與中東有關的作品,《心向爸爸》(My Heart Belongs To Daddy)就這樣寫出來了。
他知名的創作有1929年《五千萬法國人》(Fifty Million Frenchmen)奠定精緻華麗的風格,1930年《紐約客》(The New Yorkers),1934年的《萬事成空》(Anything Goes),1948年《吻我,凱特》根據莎士比亞的《馴悍記》(The Taming of the Shrew)改編,1953年的《坎坎舞》(Can-Can)是他創作生涯的終結。
讓我們來聽看 Let's Do It 的歌詞吧!
When the little bluebird
Who has never said a word
Starts to sing Spring
When the little bluebell
At the bottom of the dell
Starts to ring Ding dong Ding dong
When the little blue clerk
In the middle of his work
Starts a tune to the moon up above
It is nature that is all
Simply telling us to fall in love
And that's why birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
Cold Cape Cod clams, 'gainst their wish, do it
Even lazy jellyfish do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
I've heard that lizards and frogs do it
Layin' on a rock
They say that roosters do it
With a doodle and cock
Some Argentines, without means do it
I hear even Boston beans do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
When the little bluebird
Who has never said a word
starts to sing Spring spring spring
When the little bluebell
At the bottom of the dell
Starts to ring Ding ding ding
When the little blue clerk
In the middle of his work
Starts a tune
The most refined lady bugs do it
When a gentleman calls
Moths in your rugs they do it
What's the use of moth balls
The chimpanzees in the zoos do it,
Some courageous kangaroos do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
I'm sure sometimes on the sly you do it
Maybe even you and I might do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love